About Us - Atlas Obscura

About Us

At Atlas Obscura, our mission is to inspire wonder and curiosity about the incredible world we all share.

29,656Unique Places
& Foods Collected
14,520 Stories
1,163Experiences Held
Around the World
1,000+Travelers On
Our Trips

Bouye Baobab

We share

We are a global community of explorers, who have together created a comprehensive database of the world’s most wondrous places and foods —29,656 of them contributed by our community so far, and more every day, from a secret apartment atop the Eiffel Tower to bridges built out of living roots, from a temple shaped like a chicken to an island ruled by cats, from a fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding to a spicy chutney made out of red ants.

Explore Places Explore Food & Drink

How Kiddie Pools of Kimchi Bind Korean Families Together

by Natasha Frost

We host
local experiences.

We hold extraordinary events all over the country, every week. In nine U.S. cities, Atlas Obscura Societies create intimate, wondrous experiences for our community. From back-room tours to workshops with the world’s most remarkable people, we give our community access to the rarest experiences.

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We lead
amazing trips.

We lead the world’s most unusual trips to the world’s most remarkable places. Atlas Obscura takes small groups of travelers on adventures, from Bhutan’s mountaintop temples to the ruins of Meroe in Sudan, and into the kitchens of renowned local chefs from Mexico to Italy.

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advertising with us?

We create multi-media content, special events, and creative advertising programs for some of the world’s most interesting brands. These integrated campaigns lead to direct results and memorable programming for our brand partners.

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Atlas Obscura?

We’re always interested in meeting smart, talented people who are passionate about our mission.

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